২৫ মে, ১৯৭১

২৫ মে, ১৯৭১
A small team of Muktibahini ambushes Pakistan army base near Shaldah River. One JCO and 5 soldiers of Pakistan army are killed in this ambush.

২৫ মে, ১৯৭১
May 25, 1971
- A Muktibahini ambush a Pakistan army truck carrying soldiers and a jeep laden with rifles near Batpara Jorkanon at night. 20 Pakistan soldiers are killed and the truck and jeep are completely destroyed in this ambush.
- A small team of Muktibahini ambushes Pakistan army base near Shaldah River. One JCO and 5 soldiers of Pakistan army are killed in this ambush.
- Pakistan forces attack freedom fighters positioned at Ullapara in Sirajganj. Freedom fighters are forced to leave their base against attack by Pakistan forces and took shelter in Solop School.