৬ মে, ১৯৭১

৬ মে, ১৯৭১
Freedom fighters make an ambush attack on Fenakata Pool area in Comilla on the Choumuhoni-Chandraganj road. When three Pakistan army trucks carrying soldiers reach Fenakata on their way from Chandraganj to Choumuhoni, they engage in a fierce conflict with the Muktibahini. Freedom fighter Ilias embraced martyrdom in this battle. In history of the Liberation War, this event is known as ‘Battle of Fenakata’.

৬ মে, ১৯৭১
May 6, 1971
- Freedom fighters make an ambush attack on Fenakata Pool area in Comilla on the Choumuhoni-Chandraganj road. When three Pakistan army trucks carrying soldiers reach Fenakata on their way from Chandraganj to Choumuhoni, they engage in a fierce conflict with the Muktibahini. Freedom fighter Ilias embraced martyrdom in this battle. In history of the Liberation War, this event is known as ‘Battle of Fenakata’.
- Two companies of Pakistan army ambush on headquarters of freedom fighters in Telipara. Pakistan forces soon compelled to retreat against fierce counter attack by the freedom fighters. High number of casualties on both sides.
- In Pirojpur, officer in charge of Department of Corruption Abatement Hirendra Mahajan (Chittagong), along with all the arrestees on May 5, namely SDO Abdur Razzak (Comilla), Deputy Magistrate Mizanur Rahman (Jessore), and SDPO Faizur Rahman (Mymensingh, father of writer Humayun Ahmed), brush-fired by Pakistan army on the bank of Baleshwar River. They all embrace martyrdom.