৭ মে, ১৯৭১

৭ মে, ১৯৭১
In a Hindu-dominated village named Panchgaon under Rajnagar Police Station, 15 kilometres North of East to Moulovibazar Sub-division Central, Pakistan forces attack with the help of local agents. The Pakistan army tie up the villagers and drop them in a pond alive. When the helpless people struggled for a little breath, the barbarians brush-fired on them, and the noise broke the silence in the air. 59 innocent people died in this massacre

৭ মে, ১৯৭১
May 7, 1971
- Freedom fighters attack on Pakistan army at Rajapur village between Kosba and Akhaura. Pakistan forces forced to retreat in the severe conflict.
- In Kushtia, severe conflict breaks out between Muktibahini and Pakistan forces. 5 Pakistan soldiers killed in the conflict and a bunker of Pakistan forces is destroyed.
- In a Hindu-dominated village named Panchgaon under Rajnagar Police Station, 15 kilometres North of East to Moulovibazar Sub-division Central, Pakistan forces attack with the help of local agents. The Pakistan army tie up the villagers and drop them in a pond alive. When the helpless people struggled for a little breath, the barbarians brush-fired on them, and the noise broke the silence in the air. 59 innocent people died in this massacre