১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১

১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
The allied force cross Madhumati River in Faridpur. To reach Dhaka promptly, two brigades separated to avoid conflicts with Pakistan troops on the way. Local Bengalis help them to reach Dhaka. Hundreds of local boats help the Indian troops to cross the river.

১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
December 14, 1971
- The Al-Badr force start killing Bengali intellectuals, who were abducted for the past few days, at Mirpur and Mohammadpur killing ground.Pakistani General Rao Farman Ali conducts this loathsome decadence from behind the scenes.
- The allied force cross Madhumati River in Faridpur. To reach Dhaka promptly, two brigades separated to avoid conflicts with Pakistan troops on the way. Local Bengalis help them to reach Dhaka. Hundreds of local boats help the Indian troops to cross the river.
- A brigade of the allied force attackPakistan base in Manikganj and defeat them. Manikganj freed. The brigade continue towards Savar.
- The Pakistan army hold a strong defence on the bank of Turag River, the northern entrance point of Dhaka, and confront the allied force.
- Meanwhile, an allied force brigade advance towards Dhaka from north-western corner towards Chandra-Savar-Mirpur. The allied force attackPakistani fortification on the south-eastern part of Dhaka in Demra on the bank of Shitalakkhya River. Another faction crossthe river and free Rupganj.
- The allied force troops are airlifted for crossing Gomti River. They take position near Baidyar Bazar.
- MuktibahinidestroyPakistani base at Kumira in Chittagong and advance towards Chittagong port.
- A brigade of Pakistani military caught red handed by Muktibahiniwhile escaping to Burma (Myanmar) via Cox’s Bazar.
- General Manekshaw’s speech addressing Rao Farman Ali broadcasted. He says, “My troops have cordoned Dhaka city. Dhaka cantonment is within my artillery range. Therefore, surrender! Or else you will be embracing death.” He ensured protection for those who will surrender.
- Hundreds of Pakistani military men surrender in different parts of Bangladesh. At Moynamati in Comilla, 1,134 Pakistan troops surrender.
- The puppet governor Dr Malik sends wire message to President Yahya Khan, asking for permission to surrender. Malik and General Niazi jointly send another message to the Pakistan president, urging him to accept the ceasefire proposal. Yahya rejected both of the requests saying that definitely China and the US would intervene into this matter. “Keep fighting,” he says.
- Among the three freedom fighter siblingsfighting in Comilla – Badiuzzaman, Karimuzzaman and Shahjahan – Badiuzzamanmake their 98 Ramkrishna Mission Road residence an outpost of the freedom fighters. The two younger siblings came to Dhaka on December 10 to meet their elder brother. Al-Badr assassins abducted them on December 13 from their home and their bodies are found later in the Rayerbazar killing ground.