৬ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১

৬ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
Muktibahinitake firm positions at Laksham, Akhaura, Chouddagram and Hili. Pakistan army compelled to retreat. Within the evening, Akhaura and Shamsernagar in Sylhet officially came under the allied force’s control.

৬ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
December 6, 1971
- India acknowledges Bangladesh as a free and sovereign state. Indian PM Indira Gandhi declares it in the parliament. Following this declaration, Pakistan unties all diplomatic relations with India.Pakistan Election Commission suspends the by-polls in ‘East Pakistan’ due to the Indo-Pakistan war. The election was meant to be held on December 7.
- Muktibahinitake firm positions at Laksham, Akhaura, Chouddagram and Hili. Pakistan army compelled to retreat. Within the evening, Akhaura and Shamsernagar in Sylhet officially came under the allied force’s control.
- The runway of the Dhaka airport completely destroyed by the allied air force’s bombing.
- The 9th division of Pakistan army starts to flee from the break of dawn. A part of the division had to cross Madhumati River as allied force base was on Jessore-Dhaka highway. Another faction escaped via Kushtia. They try to destroy all the bridges as they escape.
- Soviet Union (USSR)for the second time places veto against US’s ceasefire proposal of Indo-Pakistan war in the United Nations Security Council’smeeting. A Soviet spokesperson says that the USSR has deep concern about the war in the subcontinent and it is related to USSR’s security interest.11 members of the Security Council vote the US. Poland supports the USSR while France and Britain refrain from supporting either side.
- Military Advisor to the Governor of East Pakistan Rao Farman Ali says that Pakistanis ready to fight defensive war against India. “I believe, our force can hold East Pakistan in the present situation,” he says.
- Lieutenant Niazi orders his force to move out from Jhenidah and to protect Dhaka. He also orders them to assemble near the bank of Meghna. That was however impossible as allied force took control of Dhaka-Jessore highway. A faction of the allied force continues their advance towards Khulna and another team headed towards Kushtia.