৫ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১

৫ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
The allied force begins march towards Dhaka. They deploy heavy resistance on the highways that connects Dhaka with other districts. Comilla, Chittagong, Sylhet, Natore, Rangpur and Jessoreroad routes cut off from Dhaka.

৫ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
December 5, 1971
- The skies of Bangladesh freedon the third day of relentless war. Almost all of the Pakistan aircrafts destroyed or distressed. Indian fighter jets bombPakistani bases all day long, stops the activities of the airports.
- According to the Indian Air Force, almost 50 tonnes of bombs dropped within 12 hours on Pakistan airbases at Tejgaon and Kurmitola. A Pakistan army convoy of 90 vehicles destroyed in the airborne attack. Few Pakistan steamers and launches, boarded with Pakistan soldiers, destroyed too.
- Pakistan Navy’s pride, ‘Gazi’, a submarine that US lent to them, destroyed in Bay of Bengal in an attack carried out by the joint naval force.
- The joint naval force advises the vessels of neutral states to leave Chittagong port. The joint command refuses them any security. The Pakistan force turns out weak to defend the port.
- The allied force begins march towards Dhaka. They deploy heavy resistance on the highways that connects Dhaka with other districts. Comilla, Chittagong, Sylhet, Natore, Rangpur and Jessoreroad routes cut off from Dhaka.
- 57th Mountain Division of Indian army joins the Muktibahini at Akhaura war field. They create resistance on the south and western part of the area.Facing the heavy resistance, Pakistanarmyeventually surrenders. Akhaura freed. Subadar Ashraf Ali Khan, Sipahi Amir Hossain, Lieutenant Badiuzzaman, Sipahi Ruhul Amin, Sipahi Sahab Uddin and Sipahi Mustafizur Rahman martyred for Bangladesh in this battle. A few Pakistani military men escaped to Brahmanbaria after this battle; however, 160 killed by the allied force.