৯ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১

৯ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
An Indian brigade attack Jamalpur in the afternoon. A few companies of Muktibahiniand another group of Indian army join the brigade from the left and right parts of the districts after crossing the Brahmaputra River reaching the southern bank. Later, Indian air force drop a few thousand tonnes of bombs on Pakistani bases for an hour. Almost 600 Pakistanmilitary men arrested by the allied force while they retreat.

৯ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৭১
December 9, 1971
- In a Kolkata press conference, General Aurora of Indian army says they are ready for larger warfare as Indian infantry, logistics and PT-67 amphibious tanks were ready to enter Bangladesh.
- The allied force is advancing towards Dhaka from all four sides. On the east, a faction is advancing towards Ashuganj, Daudkandi and Chandpur. On the west, a faction reached the bank of Madhumati River. Another group freed Kushtia and is heading towards Goalanda. The final section reached near Mymensingh from Haluaghat.
- Pakistani representative for the UN General Assembly Mahmud Ali returns to Pakistan and meets President Yahya Khan. In a press conference, he criticised Soviet Union’s stance. He says that the USSR should have stopped supporting India to keep the world at peace. Praising the stances of US and China, he says, “Pakistan thanks you for your historical and brave support.”
- An Indian brigade attack Jamalpur in the afternoon. A few companies of Muktibahiniand another group of Indian army join the brigade from the left and right parts of the districts after crossing the Brahmaputra River reaching the southern bank. Later, Indian air force drop a few thousand tonnes of bombs on Pakistani bases for an hour. Almost 600 Pakistanmilitary men arrested by the allied force while they retreat.
- Field Marshal Manekshaw advisesPakistani soldiers to surrender weapons. He says that the Indian troops have entered Bangladesh. “Surrender if you want to live, or else, you will be kill brutally,” he says.
- Newly appointed Pakistani Prime Minister Nurul Amin addressed the nation from Radio Pakistan. He asks the nation to stand united against the Indian ‘attack and intrigues’. Criticising the allied force’s activities, he says that thousands of civilians were killed in their attacks.