About CSGJ
About CSGJ
Established in 2014, Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice (CSGJ) is a research unit of the Liberation War Museum (LWM) and it endeavors to prevent genocide and other major violations of human rights through the increased understanding of history and legacy of such atrocity crimes. It also aspires to encourage social activism and a greater individual responsibility with a view to promoting justice for mass atrocities committed in the past. CSGJ’s core objective is to commemorate those who perished in atrocity crimes, to celebrate those who survived, to educate upcoming generations, and to dedicate its effort to uphold the causes of truth, justice and peace.
CSGJ’s major functions encompass organizing monthly lecture, research workshop, training sessions, educational seminars and certificate courses for students, educators, and activists as well as anyone interested in studying genocide and justice. In addition to that, every year, CSGJ arranges residential Winter School for students and professionals from various disciplines to provide them with an in-depth and holistic understanding of genocide and other relevant issues. Furthermore, it conducts various research projects both nationally and internationally, provides internships and fellowships, and publishes annul journals and study reports on genocide with contributions from the world-renowned genocide experts.
CSGJ is currently one of the institutional members of International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS).

CSGJ will make efforts to:
• Conduct research on genocidal acts, its implications and related issues, including Bangladesh genocide other genocides and crimes against humanity committed in various parts of the world as well as gender issues, witness and victim protection, relevant legislations, etc.;
• Foster the study of genocide and related subjects at an undergraduate and postgraduate level through residential schools, seminars, workshops, and camps to develop and disseminate advanced knowledge and reflection on the issues and values they raise;
• Create and develop links with other international institutions and individuals sharing the aims and objectives of the Center;
• Promote scholarly publications in these areas to bring the particular contribution of the Center to current debates on genocide and related issues;
• Develop an understanding of the past so that relevant moral and ethical issues can be instructive in dealing with contemporary human rights abuses; and
• Encourage empathy, compassion and a deeper understanding of what it means to be – a human being!
CSGJ’s missions are to:
• Create a knowledge base on Bangladesh genocide and other atrocity crimes as well as related issues;
• Organize educational workshops and courses for educators, activists and learners;
• Arrange diversity management workshops and public speaking engagements at different schools and institutions;
• Conduct relevant research project nationally and internationally;
• Provide internship and fellowship;
• Publish annual journal with contribution from scholars and experts on genocide;
• Conduct regular workshops, discussion sessions with visiting fellows;
• Contribute in enriching LWM’s archival work and exhibitions;
• Develop manual/handbook on genocide studies for school and university students and approach various institutions to take courses on the basis of the manual/handbook;
• Engage volunteers to catalogue scholarly resources and compile audio-visual presentation on topics relevant to the Center and get them involved in other activities of the Center; and
• Develop a core team of researchers and activists for building a just and peaceful society.
• Prof M Rafiqul Islam, Emeritus Professor of Law, Macquarie University, Australia
• Dr Gregory H Stanton, Founder and President, Genocide Watch, USA
• Dr Daniel Feierstein, Director, Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina
• Dr Helen Jarvis, Former Chief of the Public Affairs Section, Extra-ordinary Chambers in the courts of Cambodia (ECCC), Cambodia
• Amy Fagin, Founder and Director, Beyond Genocide, United States of America
• Julian Francis, Former Oxfam Refugee Aid Worker (1971) and the ‘Friends of the Liberation War’ Awardee, Bangladesh
• Dr Elizabeth Maber, Assistant Professor in Sociology of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
• Mofidul Hoque, Director (2014-Present)
• Emraan Azad, Coordinator (2022-Present)
• Tabassum Islam Tamanna, Research Assistant (2022-Present)
• Mehjabin Nazrana, Research Assistant (2022-Present)
• Tabassum Niger Oishi, Research Assistant (2022-Present)
• Naureen Rahim, Coordinator (2020-2022)
• Umme Wara, Coordinator (2014-2017)
Program Assistants
• Md. Hasib Chowdhury, Program Assistant (2022-2023)
• Hasan Mahmud Ayon, Program Assistant (2020-2022)
Research Associates
• Md. Abdullah Bin Mashud (Rupantar), Research Associate (2019-2020)
• Ehshan Mazid Mustafa (Nirjhar), Research Associate (2018-2019)
• Naureen Rahim, Research Associate (2017-2020)
Research Assistants
• Md Jahid-ul Islam, Research Assistant (2022-2023)
• Nusieba Jahan, Research Assistant (2022-2023)
• Iftekhar Sahariar, Research Assistant (2017-2018)
Interns: ‘Topography of Bangladesh Genocide’ Research Project (2018)
• Samima Nasrin Santa
• Sharjin Jahan Fia
• Sujana Sabrin
• Prethee Majbahin
• Saima Siddiqua
Plot: F11/A-B, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Civic Center, Agargaon, Dhaka
E-mail: csgj.bangladesh@gmail.com
Telephone: 09611677223, 02-48114993
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csgjlwm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CSGJ_Bangladesh
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_9xuibzFIJanEUUP3ms_g/featured
Academia: https://independent.academia.edu/CenterfortheStudyofGenocideandJustice