১৯ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১

১৯ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
Muktibahini launch a sudden attack on three boats of Pakistani soldiers on Shalda river on their way to Brahmanpara from Shalda river camp. 20 Pakistan soldiers are killed in the incident.

১৯ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
August 19, 1971
- Muktibahini launch a sudden attack on three boats of Pakistani soldiers on Shalda river on their way to Brahmanpara from Shalda river camp. 20 Pakistan soldiers are killed in the incident.
- Muktabahini kill eight Pakistani troops and destroy a bunker attacking the store of Shalda river camp.
- Freedom fighters kill four Pakistan raiders attacking their Chilmari camp in Kurigram in the evening.
- Muktibahini kill four Pakistan soldiers, five policemen and detain 14 others attacking Saturia Police Station in Dhaka.
- Freedom fighters ambush a launch of Pakistan army in Paikgacha of Khulna and kill them all.