৪ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১

৪ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
Pakistan President Yahya Khan declares that Awami League chief Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will be brought under trial.

৪ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
August 4, 1971
- Freedom fighters led by Habildar Shafiq ambush a Pakistani cavalry while advancing towards Taherpur under Sector no7. 18 Pakistan raiders killed.
- Muktibahini attack Pakistan occupation army’s stronghold in Jamalpur and take possession of huge arms.
- Military ruler imposes section 162 and forms new military sector-6 under the section.
- Two freedom fighters are kill by Pakistan raiders at Paltigram in Kumarkhali of Kushtia.
- Pakistan President Yahya Khan declares that Awami League chief Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will be brought under trial.