১৬ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১

১৬ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
Freedom fighters led by Nijamuddin Laskar attack Pakistan troops near Joykalas Bridge on Sylhet-Sunamganj road, triggering a fierce fight with Pakistani raiders. Nine Pakistan soldiers are kill and 10 hurt in the 12-hourlong fight. Four freedom fighters including the commander also sustained injuries.

১৬ আগস্ট , ১৯৭১
July 16, 1971
- Muktibanini fighters led by Captain Mahbub attack Kongstala camp of Pakistan troops. The Pakistan raiders flee after 30 of their colleague sustain injuries.
- 143 Pakistani soldiers are kill and many others injured when freedom fighters led by Habildar Akmal Ali of Sector-3 ambush some motor launch loading Pakistani soldiers in Kotiadi.
- Muktibahini fighters led by Sayed Fazlul Ahsan Dipu attack the Pakistan army at Dhalapara Ghat in Ramchandrapur villege under Sariakandi Thana in Bogra and kill 30 Pakistan militias.
- Freedom fighters led by Nijamuddin Laskar attack Pakistan troops near Joykalas Bridge on Sylhet-Sunamganj road, triggering a fierce fight with Pakistani raiders. Nine Pakistan soldiers are kill and 10 hurt in the 12-hourlong fight. Four freedom fighters including the commander also sustained injuries.
- 25 Pakistani soldiers are kill when freedom fighters led by Subedar Nazrul and Subedar Munib attack Pakistan raiders (2 platoons) on their way to Nagaish area from Feni.
- Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi says, “The critical situation in Bangladesh is the greatest challenge to India after its Independence. The economy of India at stake under the pressure of huge number of refugees”