১২ এপ্রিল, ১৯৭১

১২ এপ্রিল, ১৯৭১
Via the Shwadhin Bangla Radio station, on this night the name of the government at war is announced. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is declared as the President and the supreme leader behind the freedom fight. Syed Nazrul Islam is named the Vice-President and Tajuddin Ahmed named as the Prime minister responsible for convening the freedom fight. Khandaker Mushtaq Ahmed was named the foreign minister and other members of the ministry were AHM Kamrujjaman and Captain Monsur Ali.

১২ এপ্রিল, ১৯৭১
12th April 1971
- Via the Shwadhin Bangla Radio station, on this night the name of the government at war is announced. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is declared as the President and the supreme leader behind the freedom fight. Syed Nazrul Islam is named the Vice-President and Tajuddin Ahmed named as the Prime minister responsible for convening the freedom fight. Khandaker Mushtaq Ahmed was named the foreign minister and other members of the ministry were AHM Kamrujjaman and Captain Monsur Ali.
- With the aid of tanks and modern arms Pakistan Army attack the Freedom Fighters in Habra Ghaati leaving them scattered.
- Four companies of Freedom Fighters and one support Platoon get together near the Lalmonirhaat airport and charge a major battle against the Pakistan Army stationed there. Subedar Aarob Ali is in command of the freedom fighters. Although some Pakistani army men are killed, in the face of their massive attack, the freedom fighters have to succumb and return to their stations.