১১ এপ্রিল, ১৯৭১

১১ এপ্রিল, ১৯৭১
China’s Prime Minister Cho N. Lai sends a letter to President Yahya Khan saying that what is happening in Pakistan now is their internal matter. He assures that if India attacks, then China will provide utmost support to the Pakistan Government in protecting their sovereignty.

১১ এপ্রিল, ১৯৭১
11th April 1971
- Tajjuddin Ahmed gives a speech intended for the people of the nation. Here he says that the entire nation is involved in the fight for freedom today. We have to win in this war and win we will. He also says, the independent Bangladesh’s main goal is to free the nation from the grips of the enemy. In this war, there is no class, no religion, no status, here we have only one identity and that is we are Bangladeshis. And our enemy is killing us based on this identity. He adds that under Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s leadership this independent government is fighting to eradicate the reign of torture, inequality, and disorder to give way to a government of peace, equality and a socialist framework for a the society.
- China’s Prime Minister Cho N. Lai sends a letter to President Yahya Khan saying that what is happening in Pakistan now is their internal matter. He assures that if India attacks, then China will provide utmost support to the Pakistan Government in protecting their sovereignty.
- With the help of local agents Pakistanis first enter Gopalganj. Later they attack Monikhar where the freedom fighters are stationed. In the face of modern arms and attack of the Pakistan military the freedom fighters get scattered and quit the Monikhaar village. The village is left burned.