২৪ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১

২৪ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
A Muktibahini plane attacks Chittagong port, Anandabazar says quoting a BBC report. Naval commandos sank a gun boat, two oil tankers and four food carrying ships.

২৪ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
November 24, 1971
- Chaugachha is freed after 45-hour long war for four days. Many officers including Captain Huda and MA Manzur led the Muktibahini during this long bloody battle.
- A Muktibahini plane attacks Chittagong port, Anandabazar says quoting a BBC report. Naval commandos sank a gun boat, two oil tankers and four food carrying ships.
- Indian PM Indira Gandhi says in the parliament that India will not declare emergency. She denies Pakistan’s allegation mentioning it as ‘false’.
- Pakistan will welcome any international intervention to pacify the condition. They urge the US and the USSR to look into the matter.
- All holidays of Pakistan army officers and soldiers cancelled. They are ordered to report as soon as possible. Without any prior notice, a curfew is imposed in Dhaka.