৮ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১

৮ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
In Sector No. 1, Muktibahini ambush on a patrol team of Pakistan Army on Ramgarh- Korerhat Road. 4 Pakistan soldiers are killed and 2 are injured as freedom fighters assault them with L.M.G, carbine, and hand grenades.

৮ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
- Pakistan forces attack on Shahbajpur base of Muktibahini in Pabna. Freedom fighters counter attack in which 3 Pakistan soldiers are killed and 3 are injured.
- In Sector 8, Pakistan forces attack on Muktibahini base in Kaykhali. Severe conflict erupts when freedom fighters counter attack. 2 Pakistan soldiers are killed and many are injured in this conflict.
- In Sector No. 1, Muktibahini ambush on a patrol team of Pakistan Army on Ramgarh- Korerhat Road. 4 Pakistan soldiers are killed and 2 are injured as freedom fighters assault them with L.M.G, carbine, and hand grenades.