৩০ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১

৩০ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Ghulam Azam in a press conference says that Razakars and Jamaat activists are giving away their lives to save Pakistan. “This is our duty to assist Pakistan army to fight against the separatists and anti-state activists,” he says.

৩০ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১
November 30, 1971
- After hours of fight from November 29, the joint force of Daukee sub-Sector troops and 3rd Bengal regiment led by Major Shafayat Jamil eventually liberate Radhanagar. Three freedom fighters embrace martyrdom. Pakistan army is devastated in this battle. Muktibahini take a Pathan Subedar captive. Simultaneously Goyainghat is freed by the allied force and Muktibahini.
- Sector Commander Shawkat himself takes charge of attacking Tengratila. Muktibahini strike at 7:00am. Pakistan troops flee after repeated attacks.
- Fierce battle continue at Sector No. 3 in Akhaura. Lt Colonel Shafiullah, commander of S-Force, deploy two companies of his 2nds and 11th East Bengal regiments and sector troops. Major Nasim is leading the 11th East Bengal’s company and planned to stop Pakistan troops advancing from Sylhet. He took Mukundpur, Harashpur and few other parts under his control.
- Indians [Muktibahini] attack from 18 frontiers on the eastern borders, a Pakistan spokesperson says in Rawalpindi. Huge pressure is mounted at Dinajpur and Panchagarh. Pakistan troops are compelled to leave Panchagarh.
- Military administration orders 22 Bengali police officers to stand before the martial court.
- Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Ghulam Azam in a press conference says that Razakars and Jamaat activists are giving away their lives to save Pakistan. “This is our duty to assist Pakistan army to fight against the separatists and anti-state activists,” he says.